Omission by Commission: The Motlanthe Hearings and President Mnangagwa’s Institutional Deflectionism

When Emmerson Mnanagwa took over as Zimbabwean president, he carried himself with the air a consummate democrat, demystifying the presidency through increased access and vaunted intolerance to corruption. From frequent video messages to random public appearances, President Mnangagwa sold himself as more grounded than his grandiose predecessor. A year later, he is far more reclusive and reticent. A moribund and fast shrinking economy has robbed Mnangagwa of his initial swagger, whilst dashing the hopes that even political moderates retained in the ‘new dispensation.’ Instead, the nation is gripped with anxiety regarding the outcome of a public inquiry into the shootings of 1 August 2018. I have written concerning the High Court judgment which curiously absolved President of any blame in the shootings. In this article, I deal with commissions of inquiry in the context of the Mnangagwa presidency. I conclude that it is another instantiation of President Mnangagwa’s emphas...