On Constitutionalism and the Proposed Constitutional Amendments; Petina Gappah with David Tinashe Hofisi

PG David thanks so much to agreeing to this conversation. I have been so intrigued by your posts on Twitter on the proposed constitutional amendment, so I thought we should sit down for this conversation. The government is proposing amending the constitution in 27 different sections. There has been a lot of debate on this subject since the proposed changes were gazetted, so I thought we could go through the most far-reaching proposed changes with some thoroughness. DTH Thank you so much for the kind words and this great initiative! PG As a lawyer and a citizen, I have firm, even passionate views, about some of the issues raised but my views on the constitution are opinions, but not expert opinions. You on the other hand belong to the small band of actual experts who have either argued constitutional cases, or studied, taught and written about constitutional law in peer reviewed journals. Can you tell us a little about your expertise in this field, both a...