The US presidential election takes place on 3 November 2020. One week from today, Donald Trump could be re-elected or, as suggested by the polling data, Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States. This post explores the implications of a potential Biden/Harris victory on relations between Washington D.C. and Harare. Currently, there is no scope for government to government assistance between the US and Zimbabwe, save in the humanitarian sector. Thus, cooperation remains alleviatory. The US$318 million provided by the US in 2019 was in such fields as health, humanitarian and food assistance as well as disaster relief. This dwarfs the US$500 million provided annually to neighbouring Zambia for instance. Further, it does little to account for the absence of non-humanitarian government to government assistance and non-eligibility for assistance through such avenues as the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. This state of aff