In the last blog, I made the
claim that the rise in juristocracy was at the expense of the more representative
arms of the State and thus inimical to representative democracy. In this instalment,
I make the claim that the masses have been complicit in and actively
sanctioned the amassing and sustenance of imperial powers by the executive
David T Hofisi is a human rights lawyer and writes in his personal capacity
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Professor H.Kwasi Prempeh |
According to renowned author
and academic Kwasi Prempeh, the huge burden placed on the judiciary to promote
and sustain constitutionalism is demonstrative of the failure to build credible
checks and balances into the “political half of the state.”[2]In other words, excess power
within the executive leaves people with no option but to approach the courts to
level the playing field. In fact, African leaders’ preference for an
authoritarian State model has its roots in the colonial state and its indelible
features of “…a unitary and internally unaccountable executive (the colonial
governor), possessed of extraordinary powers, a centralized administration,
subordinate courts, compliant chiefs with no organized opposition party,”[3] Given this history of unchecked
powers at the executive level, post-colonial leaders sought
to regain imperial status; legitimizing their colonial nostalgia in the name of
urgent developmental goals and achieving greater unity.[4] Coupled with the wealth of
what scholars call the ‘large reservoir of unrivalled legitimacy’ that comes
with founding fathers’ “founder rights,” many African States, as in Zimbabwe, revised
and replaced the post-colonial parliamentary model with an executive
presidency. Thus, “the process of reconfiguring legitimacy within the
postcolonial state and society had but one beneficiary, the president.”[5] Legislative and constitutional
changes only took the constitutional order closer and closer to the colonial
Interestingly, in spite of
various waves of constitution building, no African state has opted to return to
the parliamentary model with its system of checks and balances and parliamentary
sovereignty. To the contrary, the imperial presidency has thrived. Further to various
constitutional reform exercises, it was noted that the emerging Presidencies
retained the monopoly of policy initiatives, dominated law-making and thus
remained “the real source of the laws governing society’s routine social and economic
activity.”[6] The irresistible conclusion
was the existence of a cosy relationship between the people, or at least political
elites, and the imperial presidency. Concordantly, it was noted that calls for
political change in Africa were driven more by a desire to be part of
government rather than to seek to reform it.[7] In this vein, emerging
constitutions were more concerned with elections and the politics of turnover in
high office rather than the rule of law, constitutionalism, checks and balances
and reducing the powers of the executive. This preoccupation with elections is
driven, fundamentally, by a confirmation bias and failure to problematize institutional
excess. That is to say, people believe their own person will use those same
(excessive) powers with greater moral aptitude, not indistinct from Dambisa Moyo’s advocacy for a benevolent dictator.[8]
Comparing the outcome of Zimbabwe’s
constitutional reform process to the pitfalls noted by scholars in other
jurisdictions is both informative and illuminating. This is more so because the
Constitution of Zimbabwe represents a significant constitutional consensus. It was
approved by 94.49% of voters in a referendum held in March 2013. It had the
support of President Mugabe’s ZANU PF, Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T and Professor
Welshman Ncube’s MDC. In fact, leaders of newly emerging political parties such
as Tendai Biti of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Elton Mangoma of the
Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe (RDZ) and Joyce Mujuru of Zimbabwe People First
(ZPF) were all in support of its enactment. The only significant opposition took
the form of a ‘Take Charge’ campaign led by the National Constitutional
Assembly (NCA) together with the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions
(ZCTU), a faction of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) and the
Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ). Outside of this coalition, the constitution
was universally accepted. It is a reflection of some shared understanding of
politics, power and constitutionalism in Zimbabwe.
However, if the pitfalls noted
by Prempeh and others were warnings, they were not heeded. The President’s
powers remain substantially intact. He retains exclusive powers to choose an
unlimited number of cabinet ministers and deputy ministers[9] who, including the
President, are the real source of laws for the palpably weak legislature (which
he can dissolve if it does not pass his national budget or passes a vote of no
confidence in his government[10]). He retains a
wide array of appointing powers and remains both head of state and government.
The only restraint on the presidency is the imposition of the two-term limit. Thus,
in the words of Prempeh, it is the rules of entry and exit and not the rules of
play which have changed. As succinctly put by scholars: “…the contemporary
African president generally retains within the constitutional and political orbit
the essential attributes of imperium long associated with presidential power in
postcolonial Africa. The imperial presidency in Africa has been term-limited
but not tamed.”[11]
This begs the question of how
such a broad civic and political consensus would support retrogressive provisions already warned of by scholars.
There could have been enthusiasm over other provisions in the constitution
(expanded declaration of rights, constitutional commissions, affirmative action
for women) as well as the view/hope that the spirit of the constitution would overcome
any seemingly retrogressive text (both views which have surely been discredited).
Another possibility, which I would opine more accurately accounts for this consensus, is the fact that people follow the
power. They prefer leaders who wield immense power albeit without an appreciation of
its truly corrosive effect. It is not just ZANU PF which supports an
all-powerful leader. Steps taken over a long time have increased the amount of power wielded by Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the main opposition MDC-T. In
national politics as in opposition politics, leaders have amassed immense powers
for themselves with the people’s consent. Thus people not only want powerful
leaders, but want to follow powerful coalitions which are likely to lead to
electoral victory. This would explain why the parties to the Inclusive Government were in agreement over the imperial presidency. It can be argued
that African peoples, broadly, have more intimate encounters with power in the form
of chiefs who are not themselves representatives of limited executive power; meaning
more people are inclined to believe in benevolent paternalism than limited power
through checks and balances, making constitutionalism and the rule of law an
exercise in social engineering.
This preference for power replicates itself at all levels, including in civil society where one continues to witness power being amassed in the hands of individuals and is legitimized in the broader context of fighting an (equally) evil regime. The same “founder rights” are used to legitimise wealth accumulation and exclusive use of resources by a small clique of powerful civic elites. Like Agent Smith replicating himself throughout the Matrix in the Matrix trilogy, the self-serving habits of the dictatorship are reflected and replicated throughout society and are sanctioned and given constitutional approval.
Making an appeal to the
greater good or showing evidence of malfeasance either by the regime or its
opponents to a member of either is akin to trying to convert a religious
person, that is to say, it is all about the power and the glory. No matter what
argument is advanced, persons will align with the centre they believe holds real
power; be it the power of incumbency (ZANU PF) or power of numbers (MDC-T), what will
hold sway will not be the power of the principle (democracy/constitutionalism/rule
of law). As long as constitutionalism and the rule of law continue to hold
illusory power and/or value, the popularity of the imperial presidency, with
its ostentatious exhibitions of power and authority, will continue to hold
[1] “Limited
Vision Behind Contemporary African Constitutionalism” is a phrase by H.Kwasi Prempeh
and a sub-heading in his paper: “Africa’s “constitutionalism revival”: False
start or new dawn?”
[2] See
H.Kwasi Prempeh Africa’s “constitutionalism revival”: False start or new dawn?
See Number 1 supra
See the rhetoric of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere: “Development must be considered
first…Our question with regard to any matter – even the issue of fundamental
freedom – must be, ‘How does this affect the progress of the Development Plan:”
See Number 1 supra
See Number 1 supra
See Number 1 supra.
[8] “In a perfect
world what poor countries at the lowest rungs of economic development need is
not a multi-party democracy, but in fact a decisive benevolent dictator to push
through the reforms required to get the economy moving” ― Dambisa Moyo,
Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a
Better Way for Africa
See Sections 104 and 105 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe
Sections 143(3) and 109(4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe
[11] See Number 1 Supra
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