Honourable Justice David Mangota
blogpost explores the ruling by Justice Mangota concerning President Emmerson Mnangagwa's appointment of a commission of inquiry to investigate the post-election violence of 1 August 2018. It highlights the
limits of presuming human and governmental compliance with legal strictures and the attendant pitfalls of using law as a basis for factual claims.
1. THE
sister to one of the victims of the shootings on 1 August 2018 approached the High
Court together with a non-governmental organization, the Counselling Services
Unit. They challenged the decision by the President to appoint a commission of
inquiry without cabinet consultation as required by sections 88(2) and 110(6)
of the Constitution. They had a myriad of other reasons for approaching the
court. They asserted that the President was conflicted as the military’s
deploying authority, thus undermining his ability to appoint a commission to
investigation his own alleged actions. They claimed that the failure to
report the deployment to parliament was contrary to section 214 of the
Constitution. They also argued against the appointment of Professors Charity Manyeruke and Lovemore
Madhuku due to their alleged pro-government bias.
two applicants asked the High Court to set aside the decision to establish the
commission of inquiry and instead, instruct the Zimbabwe Human Rights
Commission (ZHRC) or the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) to
conduct the investigations or appoint the commission of inquiry. They also
asked that the ZHRC or the NPRC formulate the commission’s terms of reference, whilst
insisting that their own terms of reference replace those of the commission. Further, they sought the removal of Professors Charity Manyeruke and Lovemore Madhuku from the commission.
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President Mnangagwa with Commissioners Manyeruke and Madhuku |
government lawyers raised a preliminary point. They drew attention to the distinction
between the decision to constitute the commission and the legal process for its
establishment. The application only impugned the decision to establish the
commission and not the legal actions for its creation. According to the
government lawyers, this meant the commission retained its legal status which remained unchallenged. In fact, they argued that the founding affidavit had been commissioned prior to the establishment of the commission, rendering the application premature.
They also raised substantive arguments. They asserted that the President is exempt from consulting cabinet when making appointments required by legislation in accordance with section 110(2)(d) of the Constitution. They maintained that the President was not conflicted since the commission’s terms of reference went beyond the single issue of deployment of troops. They also argued that there was no basis in law for the ZHRC or the NPRC to appoint a commission of inquiry or act as such.
They also raised substantive arguments. They asserted that the President is exempt from consulting cabinet when making appointments required by legislation in accordance with section 110(2)(d) of the Constitution. They maintained that the President was not conflicted since the commission’s terms of reference went beyond the single issue of deployment of troops. They also argued that there was no basis in law for the ZHRC or the NPRC to appoint a commission of inquiry or act as such.
David Mangota agreed with the government’s lawyers and ruled that the President's decision cannot be impugned without addressing the
process which cloaked the decision with legality. The ruling is closely related
to the case in which Romeo Zibani sought to stop the holding of interviews for
a new Chief Justice because of the executive’s intention to amend the
Constitution. The Supreme Court ruled
that mere intention is insufficient basis for ignoring constitutional imperatives.
Similarly, the intention of the President to set up a commission is
insufficient basis to claim constitutional abrogation. At worst, it could
amount to an intention to abrogate. This approximates to the general principle
of criminal law that intention alone is insufficient in securing conviction.
Thus, the failure to address the legal actions pursuant to the President’s
intention rendered the application inadequate for the relief sought.
upheld the preliminary point, Justice Mangota proceeded to “sing with applicants
on the constitutionality or otherwise of the first respondent’s conduct” for “academic
purposes.” In this part of the judgment, he ruled that the President’s actions
were constitutionally valid because appointments to commissions of inquiry are exempt
from cabinet consultation under section 110(2)(d) of the Constitution. The
Court restated that there is no legal basis for the ZHRC or NPRC to appoint a commission of inquiry or act as such, something which the applicants had since
conceded. The Court also found that there was no evidence of the alleged bias
of Professors Madhuku and Manyeruke, arguing that Professor Madhuku’s
participation in the 2018 elections was evidence of his opposition to rather,
than common purpose with, the current government.
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Downtown Harare, 1 August 2018 |
a dramatic twist, Justice Mangota then absolved President Mnangagwa of any wrongdoing in the tragic events of 1 August 2018. He ruled that the President was
not involved in the deployment of troops and was therefore not conflicted in
his appointment of the commission of inquiry. The honourable judge based his
reasoning on the media
report of Obey Manayiti published in the Newsday of 2 August 2018. The report was attached to the
application as an annexure. It referred to a statement by the police indicating
that the Commissioner General of Police had, on 1 August 2018, invoked section
37(1) of the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) to request for assistance
from the defence forces. That section of POSA allows the Minister of Home Affairs
to request the Minister responsible for defence to authorize the defence forces
to assist the police. On that basis, Justice Mangota concluded that the
Minister of Home Affairs had “…in turn, approached his counterpart in the
Ministry of Defence” and “he (the Minister of Defence) in turn, dispatched
members of the defence forces…”
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Vice President Chiwenga and President Mnangagwa |
This finding is extraordinary in several ways. It is accepted that courts can take judicial notice of a notorious fact or assert a claim averred which is not in dispute. However, this is markedly different from making a highly controvertible finding of fact against an individual who is not before the court based on a media report. Without any witness testimony or reference to an averment from the parties, the judge used a media report to extrapolate findings of fact from provisions of law. This is breathtaking, even more since it was done using the same non sequitur which the judge would go on to deplore: “The above stated matters expose the incorrectness of the applicants’ syllogism. They proceeded on the premise that, because the constitution confers power on the President to deploy, he deployed members of the defence forces on 1 August, 2018. The correct position is that he did not.”
This is the same syllogism used to counter the one advanced by the applicants. They share the presumption of governmental action in accordance with law, and mistakenly deduce factual claims from legal provisions. As correctly noted by the honourable judge, the law is a poor indicator of human behaviour and is hardly a basis for making findings of fact. Only a slight alteration to the wording of Justice Mangota’s dictum is needed to capture the dissonance immanent in his reasoning. He “proceeded on the premise that, because POSA confers power on the Minister of Defence to deploy, he deployed members of the defence forces on 1 August, 2018.” The correct position is that we do not know. The testimony by the Commander of the Defence Forces (CDF) before the commission of inquiry casts further doubt over this finding of the court. The CDF indicated that the Vice President had written to the President in respect of the demonstrations on 1 August 2018, but he is not aware of the response from the President if any.
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Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence during one of its hearings |
ruling was delivered when the commission of inquiry was already conducting its investigations. The chairperson of the commission had to play
down the effect of the ruling on the commission’s work whilst the main opposition
for the arrest of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga who was, at the material time,
the officer responsible for the Ministry of Defence. There is little doubt that
the ruling has been disruptive. This is
highly undesirable, especially to the extent that it undercuts the work of the
commission. Since the preliminary point had already been upheld, there was
hardly any need to engage in an “academic exercise” which delves into matters
for which an independent commission of inquiry was constituted. In so doing,
the Court exonerated the President whilst effectively indicting an individual
without affording them the right to be heard. This creates the impression of a
judiciary which is fervent in its desire to absolve the President of any wrong
doing, even in the absence of compelling evidence and ahead of independently established investigatory processes.
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